Dirk Veulemans - Composer

1/4  Detail of the banner of Earwitness in 2007.
(photo: Christel Vastenavont)

2/4  Detail of the banner of Earwitness in 2007.
(photo: Christel Vastenavont)

3/4  Detail of the banner of Earwitness in 2007.
(photo: Christel Vastenavont)

4/4  Christel Vastenavont in 2007.
(photo: Christel Vastenavont)

English translation is not yet available

The English part of this website is still in progress. Unfortunately there is no English translation for this page at the moment. I am sorry for that.

However, if you should need an English translation, do not hesitate to contact me via the contact form.

Thank you for your understanding,
Dirk Veulemans

laatste update: 2021.06.06

Links other websites
  Lees hier het interview met Dirk Veulemans in Oorgetuige
  De Oorgetuige-website

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