Experiencing and enjoying
A concert is an experience. It is moving from a two-dimensional world like the computer screen you are currently reading on or like the sound coming from your speakers, to an environment where sound takes precedence and where the listener is brought into a state of aural tastes, smells and colours.
Your Visual Brain
The light at an electronic concert is dimmed to a soft atmosphere so that your visual brain can rest and your auditory brain has the opportunity to experience the full colour and dimension of the sound. With some people, the visual brain starts to generate its own images to go with the sound experience, due to a reduced supply of stimuli. This often manifests itself in making up an accompanying film. In a certain sense, this makes the experience even more creative and attractive.
The Sound reproduction
This is why special attention is paid to the technical details which ensure that the composed sounds are perfectly reproduced and make the concert an aural pleasure.Eight to sixteen or even more loudspeakers are spread across the room, so that the composition becomes spatialised and reaches the listener from all possible angles.
Multiple forms of spatialisation are possible. Some electronic compositions are made polyphonic. This means that several separate sound channels simultaneously produce a different sound, which allows this music to resound in a polyphonic listening experience. The compositions you can listen to on this site consist mainly of 8 voices (octophony).
Live Spatialisation
Other compositions, mostly stereophonic, are made to be spatialized live. The performer then controls the mixing panel to make the composition move across the available space during the performance. Rather than polyphony, the spatiality is emphasised here.
(DV - 2010)
laatste update: 2021.07.28
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